Data Fetching
Fetching Customizations
Last modified: undef
Next.js prefetches all pages by default. This can be customized, based on perf and loading rqmts.
- Svr
- extends native fetch web API
- caching and revalidating for svr requests
- async / await in svr components
3rd-Party Libs - Svr
- config for caching and revalidating of requests
- for libs that don't support or expose
(e.g., db, CMS client) - uses Route Segment Config OPtion and React's cache function
Route Handler - Client
- fetch data in a client component
- executes on svr and returns data to client
- useful to not expose sensitive info to client, (e.g., API token)
3rd-Party - Client
- fetch client data using SWR and React Query
- APIs for memorizing requests, caching, revalidating and mutating data.
Requesting Data
Next.js integrates w libs like fetch and axios for API requests from browser
getStaticProps and getServerSideProps allow fetching svr data before page is rendered, providing personalized, dynamic content
- fetches at build time for SSG
- faster loading
- fetches on request for SSR
- more dynamic, but adds perf overhead
- ditch cache and fetching latest
- time-based or on-demand
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